Market Analysis of Pregnant Milk Powder Industry in China 2016-2021

Published time:2016-11-28

Document type:PDF

Language version:English/Chinese

Published by AskCI

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Executive Summary
1 Overview of Pregnant Milk Powder Industry in China
1.1 Current Development
1.2 Regulation and Policy
1.3 Technology Analysis
1.4 Supply And Demand Situation
1.4.1 Market Supply of Pregnant Milk Powder in China
1.4.2 Market Demand of Pregnant Milk Powder in China
1.4.3 Analysis on market price of milk powder for pregnant women in China
2 Industrial Chain of Pregnant Milk Powder Industry in China
2.1 Upstream Analysis
2.1.1 Current Development of Raw Milk Market
2.1.2 Analysis on Raw Milk Production
2.1.3 Analysis on Price Trend of Raw Milk Production
2.2 Downstream Analysis
2.2.1 Current Development of Mother-and- Baby Retailing Industry
2.2.2 Retailing Scale of Mother-and-Baby Retailing Industry
2.2.3 Online Transaction Scale of Mother-and-Baby Retailing Industry
2.2.4 Online Penetration Rate of Mother-and-Baby Retailing Industry
3 Import and Export Analysis of Pregnant Milk Powder Industry in China, 2011-2016
3.1 Import Analysis of Pregnant Milk Powder Industry, 2011-2016
3.1.1 Analysis on Import Quantity
3.1.2 Analysis on Import Value
3.1.3 Analysis on Sources of Imported Milk Powder for Pregnant Women
3.1.4 Analysis on Import Price Variation
3.2 Export Analysis of Pregnant Milk Powder Industry, 2011-2016
3.2.1 Analysis on Export Quantity
3.2.2 Analysis on Export Value
3.2.3 Analysis on Export Market
3.2.4 Analysis on Export Price Variation
4 Key Players in Pregnant Milk Powder Industry in China
4.1 Biostime International Holdings Ltd.
4.1.1 Basic Information about Enterprise Development
4.1.2 Analysis on Major Products in Biostime
4.1.3 Analysis on Operating Condition
4.1.4 Sales Network of Biostime Group
4.1.5 Analysis on Development Strategy of Biostime Group
4.2 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd.
4.2.1 Basic Information about Enterprise
4.2.2 Analysis on Major Products of Yili Group
4.2.3 Analysis on Operating Condition
4.2.4 Sales Network of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group
4.2.5 Analysis on Development Strategy of Yili Group
4.3 Beingmate Baby & Child Food Co., Ltd.
4.3.1 Basic Information about Enterprise
4.3.2 Analysis on Major Products of Beingmate Group
4.3.3 Analysis on Operating Condition
4.3.4 Sales Network of Beingmate Group
4.3.5 Analysis on Development Strategy of Beingmate Group
4.4 Wyeth Nutritional (China)Co.,Ltd
4.4.1 Basic Information about Enterprise
4.4.2 Analysis on Major Products of Wyeth
4.4.3 Analysis on Operating Condition
4.4.4 Sales Network of Wyeth
4.4.5 Analysis on Development Strategy of Wyeth
4.5 Mead Johnson Nutrition Company
4.5.1 Basic Information about Enterprise
4.5.2 Analysis on Major Products of Mead Johnson
4.5.3 Analysis on Operating Condition
4.5.4 Sales Network of Mead Johnson
4.5.5 Analysis on Development Strategy of Mead Johnson
5 Prospect of Pregnant Milk Powder Industry in China
6 Conclusion and Recommendations
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Supplied with outstanding nutrients that are helpful for growth of fetus and health of pregnant mother, milk powder for pregnant women is attracting more attention in the society. In the future, products for pregnant women would be an industrial emphasis. Therefore, the milk powder for pregnant women tends to occupy more and more markets shares.

In China, the production volume of milk powder was 1,580 thousand tonnes in 2014, which decreased 5.1% compared with last year. In 2015, the production volume of milk powder was 1,420 thousand tonnes, which decreased 5.84% compared with last year. However, with more and more infants born, the market demand for pregnant milk powder is bound to increase. In 2015, the production volume of pregnant milk powder reached nearly 60 thousand tonnes. As the realization of balanced nutrition concept and two-child policy, it is predicted that the production volume of pregnant milk powder would increase to 90 thousand tonnes in 2021.

In the future, the infant dairy business will be the developmental destination for dairy industry. In addition, the dairy products for pregnant women will be the key development region of dairy industry. Viewing from the perspective of present market demand for milk powder for pregnant women, nowadays, there is no a mature market for pregnant milk powder in China. However, from the perspective of developmental trend of dairy industry, milk powder for pregnant women will be an important developmental region in dairy industry.
Figure No. Figure Title
Figure 1 Production volume of milk powder for pregnant women in China, 2011-2015
Figure 2 Predicted production volume of milk powder for pregnant women, 2016-2021
Figure 3 Consumption volume of milk powder in China, 2011-2015
Figure 4 Predicted consumption volume of milk powder for pregnant women in China, 2016-2021
Figure 5 Industrial chain for pregnant milk powder industry
Figure 6 Average purchasing price of raw milk of major producing areas in China, 2011-2016
Figure 7 Online transaction penetration rate of mother-and-baby products in China, 2011-2016
Figure 8 Sources structure of imported milk powder in China in 2015
Figure 9 Export market structure of milk powder in China in 2015
Table No. Table Title
Table 1 Top 10 Dominant pregnant milk powder brands in China
Table 2 Dominant supervision mechanism and content in pregnant milk powder industry
Table 3 Relevant policies in pregnant milk powder industry
Table 4 Price of dominant domestic milk powder for pregnant women in China in 2016
Table 5 Production volume of raw milk in China, 2011-2015
Table 6 Retailing scale of chain mother-and-children products in China, 2011-2015
Table 7 Online transaction scale of mother-and-baby products in China, 2011-2016
Table 8 Import quantity of milk powder in China, 2011-2016
Table 9 Import value statistics of milk powder in China, 2011-2016
Table 10 Sources of imported milk powder in China in 2015
Table 11 Average imported price of milk powder in China, 2011-2016
Table 12 Import quantity of milk powder in China, 2011-2015
Table 13 Export value statistics of milk powder in China, 2011-2015
Table 14 Export market for milk powder in China in 2015
Table 15 Average export price of milk powder in China, 2011-2015
Table 16 Products of Biostime Group
Table 17 Sales revenue and operating profit in Biostime Group, 2011-2016H
Table 18 Products of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd
Table 19 Production and sales in Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd
Table 20 Sales revenues and profits of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd, 2011-2016H
Table 21 Major products in Beingmate Group
Table 22 Production and sales volume in Beingmate Group, 2014-2015
Table 23 Revenue and profits in Beingmate Group, 2011-2016
Table 24 Major products in Wyeth Nutritional (China)Co.,Ltd
Table 25 Analysis on operating Condition of Wyeth Nutritional (China)Co.,Ltd, 2012-2014
Table 26 Major products in Mead Johnson Nutrition Company
Table 27 Analysis on Operating Condition of Mead Johnson Nutrition Company, 2012-2014